Posts Tagged ‘George Ciccariello-Maher’

To download, right-click and select “Save link as…” END OF 2014 PT.2

We had him on the show before to talk about Venezuela and radical political science


To download, right-click and select “Save link as…” END OF 2014 PT.1

We had him on the show before to talk about Venezuela and radical political science


George will join us over the phone (again) look him up:

We would like to take the opportunity to launch a new academic interdisciplinary field of study: Anybody doing social science (broadly defines and including history of course) these days–and doing it RIGHT–knows this is a necessary approach to understanding the non-linear interconnectedness of the multidimensional crises we’re experiencing.

I like to call it CLUSTER-FUCK STUDIES.

With Jesse V and me in the studio we’ll also have some of the usual degenerates: Jay G and Felix B.

As the title suggests, we’re going to attempt a “year in review” thingy.

We will be on the air live 2-4PM EST on WPRK91.5FM (available live on tunein and here) and soon as a podcast on, sticher, itunes, etc


Venezuela at a Tipping Point

Excellent article by George Ciccariello-Maher who was a guest of our show last year (check out the podcast): 

Show #40: George Ciccariello-Maher on the people’s history of the Venezuelan revolution

Former interviewee participates in a very balanced discussion about current events in Venezuela.

Punkonomics is proud to remind everybody that we were one of the first to interview George at some length on Venezuela and we’re very happy his voice has become so prominent :)

Here’s the interview podcast from 2013-7-8