Posts Tagged ‘policy’

We’ll try to disentangle some of the complexities of the “War on Drugs” from many perspectives including economics, politics, ethics, public policy, foreign policy, finance, sociology, social-psychology, etc*.

BTW, we have been regularly discussing this popular topic since Show #4 back in October 2012.

* We’re only qualified as experts on a few of these, but have no compunctions to shot our mouths off like everybody else. #UndistinguishedProfessor


To download, right-click and select “Save link as…” PUNK LIBERTARIAN

We talked with Adrian Wyllie, Libertarian candidate for Governor of Florida!

We discussed his campaign and the issues that set him apart from the other candidates. 

Adrian Wyllie’s campaign FB page:


Jesse and I were joined in the studio by Mark Bevilaqua, Mitch Koebke, and Jay Gordon.

We also received multiple calls and tweets and chat messages especially from Jacqui Myers and Miguel Adams (Speak-Up-Florida: for the Movement to End the New Jim Crow)

Why our happiness and satisfaction should replace GDP in policy making.

Since 1990, GDP per person in China has doubled and then redoubled. With average incomes multiplying fourfold in little more than two decades, one might expect many of the Chinese people to be dancing in the streets. Yet, when asked about their satisfaction with life, they are, if anything, less satisfied than in 1990.

The disparity indicated by these two measures of human progress, Gross Domestic Product and Subjective Well Being (SWB), makes pretty plain the issue at hand. GDP, the well-being indicator commonly used in policy circles, signals an outstanding advance in China. SWB, as indicated by self-reports of overall satisfaction with life, suggests, if anything, a worsening of people’s lives. Which measure is a more meaningful index of well-being? Which is a better guide for public policy?

Right-click and select “save link as” to download a copy: Punkonomics2014-6-4_Climate

We talked about several topics from recent blogposts and had 3 callers join the discussion and steer us towards climate issues.

In the studio with Jesse and me were Mitch Koebke and Shaheen Alhumaydhi (both Rollins students).

One of the callers mentioned this site:







Here’s a nice illusion of the main process of policy in the US today called “revolving door” in this case showing how food and agricultural policy is controlled by the giant monopoly Monsanto.

This has been operating for decades but is today the norm today with very few exceptions. A similar list can be drawn for education, environmental, health, communications, EVERYTHING.


To my libertarian friends: Are you enjoying this “self-regulatory” system? After all isn’t this what Ayn rand advocated: government by and for the business elites?

To my liberal friends: Yes we must have effective regulation for a market-system to work. But tell me exactly HOW we would get that when the government (Dems or Reps) are completely in the pocket of multinational?


The radicals are (as usual) correct!