Important article by my friend Zhaochang Peng

Posted: 2019/01/17 by Punkonomics (@dearbalak) in Links/Articles/Video

He’s looking at freedom (especially lack of it) from BOTH state AND private sources, constructs an innovative conception of Marxian freedom, and looks at what went so wrong in revolutionary Russia and China. As the rich capitalist world stumbles into the post-modern post-capitalist era, and bureaucracy seems to crush our productivity and our freedoms, Dr Peng comes from the “left field” to contribute to this important issue that should strongly resonate with Libertarians and Austrian economists, as well as Marxists, and everybody who is paying attention.

Only abstract available officially, but I’m sure Zhaochang would be willing to share a copy if you ask me or him :)

Freedom is a core value centralized in Marxism. When applied to the study of political economy, Marxist freedom focuses, in its ontological sense, on the elimination of all forms of class coercion so that public coordination of individual preferences will proceed in a cooperative way to improve material living standards, reduce the working day, and promote all-round development of personality for all members of society. In its epistemological sense, Marxist freedom stresses the importance of developing thorough theories of social class and the state, so that meaningful post-revolutionary institutional innovations can be implemented to facilitate the ontological task of eliminating all forms of class coercion. While classical Marxist theories of social class and the state provide great insights into the class bias of bourgeois approaches to political economy and the adverse impact of capitalist market economy on human freedom, they tend to be ambiguous about the distinction between the state class and privately propertied class. This theoretical deficiency in classical Marxism was evidenced by a lack of consistent effort to build workers’ democratic institutions in post-revolutionary Russia to thwart the rise of the state class in face of objective adversities.

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